Tuesday, May 31, 2005

It's My Birthday

It's been a good birthday so far today. I've gotten bagels and lots of e-cards and my desk was decorated when I got in to work. Mr. b is springing me in another hour or so. And Child Person hasn't been hurting me too much with his stretching.

I took my first bath since I've been preggers. I was paranoid about them early on because of the whole water temperature raising your body temperature thing. But I decided that I'd be fine as long as I kept it cooler. Our bathtub is small. Yet I did realize while floating in a semi-fetal position amongst the bubbles that I want to go swimming. The tiny amount of weightlessness that a shallow bath provided was enough to show me how nice full submersion will be. And screw maternity swimsuits. They are ugly. I've got to see if any of my old bikinis will fit my newly expanded ass. There's no point in covering my stomach. It's not like you wouldn't be able to tell I'm knocked up. I need to cover my ass. I sometimes think I'm starting to look like a Neolithic fertility goddess.


Anonymous said...

I hope your whole day is wonderful. Hugs!


Anonymous said...

See, if I read this before I e-mailed you I'd have known it was your birthday. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Happy god damn birthday!!!!