Friday, May 20, 2005

Having seen Revenge of the Sith twice now I can honestly say it's better than Empire.

It's funny, both Mr. b and I ended up nitpicking the pregnancy. (Spoiler warning for hermits that have been living out on the edge of the Dune Sea.) We laughed at the size of Padme's belly. What kind of lame ass prenatal care did she have on Coruscant that she didn't know she was carrying twins? Those babies were pretty darn big for twins that came early. And they didn't have gross belly buttons. How come they made it look like a vaginal birth when the medical droid said they'd have to operate to save the babies? Any other time in our lives and we'd never think twice about that stuff.

I must admit, it was a little difficult to hear the constant talk about dying in child birth.

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