Thursday, December 16, 2004

Now that the choir ladies have found out I'm preggers they're being all over-protective of me. I had to skip the first of yesterday's two concerts because I was so dizzy the day before I didn't think it would be wise to push myself. It's the first time I had to play the pregnancy card. I didn't even have to use it to get out of litter box duties. Once Mr. b heard the doctor explain about the cat shit virus, he fired me from even feeding them! He's being very good to me and only slightly over-protective. Very good: going to the grocery store when I didn't feel up to that mission and then going back when he realized he forgot lunchies for me to bring to work. Over-protective: not letting me lick the envelopes for our Christmas cards so that George Constanza's financee's fate couldn't befall me. At first I was worried that he'd use up all his helpfulness by the time I actually need it. But everyone's been advising me to milk it for all it's worth while I can!

Thankfully I didn't feel sick yesterday or even all that tired so Mr. b and I could finally have sex again.

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