Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Apparently being tired all the time is a first trimester thing. I had been thinking I was just feeling the pre-winter solstice blues or something. I'm ready to fall asleep at my desk around 3 in the afternoon and I can't haul my ass out of bed in the morning for the life of me. If being preggers means more naps then yay! At least the previous two symptoms--hives and heartburn--seem to have gone away. I can't say that I feel 100% all the time. But it's not nausea, and it's not indigestion, and it's not a stomach ache, and yet it's not quite right. Can't put my finger on it.

Interesting fact I learned at the confirmation appointment last Friday: apparently the due date calculation starts from the first day of the last period. Not the period that never happened and made you notice you were up the spout in the first place. So I had been figuring I was 3 or 4 weeks along when I was actually 7. And I had been estimating a late August birth when my due date is actually July 28th. Subject to change.

1 comment:

Penny said...

I've always wondered about that whole "from your last period" thing. Because when they do it that way, it means that you weren't actually pregnant for the first 2 weeks or so of your pregnancy, which is a really weird concept. And what about the people who have really long or irregular cycles? They may not ovulate until 4 or 6 weeks after their period, in which case that seems like a really silly way to calculate a due date. Silly doctors.