Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Week 19

I'm back to being hungry all the time. I think it's because Child Person is doing less development and more actual growing. And wiggling! So I'm definitely going through calories. Since, as of the last doctor appointment, I still haven't gained any weight, I'm starting to be bad with the snacks. Sure I'm still very healthy with the yoghurt and fruit in the mornings but afternoon snacks are more and more likely to be potato chips or a candy bar. Which isn't bad per se, just not something I should do every single day. Although I clearly could use the grams of fat. I'm also developing quite the Dr. Pepper addiction. I wasn't that big on caffeine before but now I can't seem to get enough. Again, probably not *bad*, but also not something I should cultivate.

I guess my lack of weight gain made a male friend feel much better about any future pregnancies of his fiancée. We saw him on Saturday night for the first time in several months. He told Mr. b that he was shocked that I looked so good. He thought that all women just automatically ballooned up at least 80 pounds when they got pregnant. Mr. b's (very astute) theory is that so many women starve themselves naturally that they're totally underweight and when they do get knocked up, they overcompensate.

And now for something completely different. Womba thought I should play the blog game that's going around.
"Grab the nearest book, turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence, and post the text of the following three sentences on one's own blog. Anyone who hunts down an "intellectual" book from some box down in the basement is disqualified!"
So from All Things Wise and Wonderful by James Herriot:
'Aye, 'e lies a lot wi' his head at foot of t'door. It's draughty there.'
'No, Mr. Close!' I bawled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I had my own blog, my post would be:

Put Crisco into small saucepan add water, bring to boiling point, add quickly flour and salt, stir well with wooden spoon until mixture leaves sides of pan, remove pan from fire, allow mixture to become cool, but not cold, add eggs, one at a time, and beat each one thoroughly in. Set in cool place one hour. Put mixture in forcing bag with tube and force it on to a tin greased with Crisco into small rounds; bake in hot oven forty minutes.

A "Calendar of Dinners" with 615 Recipies and The Story of Crisco by Marion Harris Ross (1916).