Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Week 12

The cramping seems to have gone away. I guess the Zantac worked. I felt almost better last night and again, almost better this morning. Although standing on the bus once again certainly didn't help matters. My friend Jon thought that maybe I had something called a "rotavirus". Who knows. I'm back to the regular ol' queasiness and general stomach uncomfortableness. Which sucks but is at least familiar so there you go.

I was on the phone with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law for a while last night. SIL said she had a similar pattern in her first trimester: felt great for the first couple of months and shitty the last few weeks. I joked that our bodies must have decided, "Oh crap, almost out of time! Better hurry up while there's still a chance!" MIL said that she knows it's a boy because of the heartburn. I love that kind of stuff. As long as I don't have to deal with too many stomach pats from strangers, I will gladly withhold telling them the sex of the baby just so I can hear their various archaic methods of determining it. My dad is sure it's a boy but I guarantee that's just wishful thinking on his part. He only has granddaughters so far.

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