Friday, April 15, 2005

I shouldn't have said anything. I totally jinxed myself. My hip fuckin' hurts like a bastard today. I was doing a little bit of gardening last night, just cleaning up one of the beds of hostas. I was only out there for an hour and a half. But afterwards I felt like I had been doing intense yoga for at least twice that long. I was exhausted and incredibly sore. Crouching and kneeling and bending and reaching and digging are all much more difficult activities when you've got an enlarged belly to navigate around. I find it odd that my hips took most of the pressure.

The goofy guru lady in the prenatal yoga tape talks about how you can become the most physically flexible in your life when you are pregnant. It's all due to what she calls "Relaxin". I have no idea if that's the actual name for the hormone that loosens all your joints to prepare your pelvis for the big event. When I first learned about that little bonus feature of pregnancy back in college I was double freaked out. (I learned all sorts of scary things in my many Anthro classes. Like you can not only tell a male skeleton from a female based on the pelvis, you can also make a very accurate guess on how many children she bore based on the scarring on her pelvis. Grand.) I thought for sure the hereditory loose shoulder that has caused both my dad and my brother to get a pin installed to prevent more dislocations would haunt me. But so far I honestly haven't noticed any "relaxin" effect. Not really any increase in my normal stretching range. And my hip had actually bothered me less than usual. Until now.

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