Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Child Person's activities continue to increase. I'm trying to track it and see if he has any sort of pattern. There doesn't seem to be any real regularity during the day. But he's always moving about when I get up for my middle-of-the-night pee. So far it hasn't been intense enough to keep me awake when I go back to bed. I have Growing Stomach to thank for that. I just can't seem to get comfortable. My stomach stretches all weird and then my hip or ear (!) hurts when I lay on one side for too long. I've been keeping a pillow between my legs and sort of tucked under my belly and that helps a bit. But I wake up when I need to roll over and have to manually move the damn pillow. Auntie G said I should try one of those full body pillows. I'll have to seek one out. Even if I don't like it I can give it to Mr. b. He is a total pillow spooner so it wouldn't go to waste.

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