I need to do some research and review my blog entries from last time. Some things I remember very clearly. I know I had the greasy hair at the roots issue. It drove me nuts. Stupid hormones. Well, it happened again this time and I took action. I cut it all off! Yay for short hair! It’s been since like 9th or 10th grade that I’ve had it this short. I’m 90% used to it now and I’m having fun with accessories.
Stomach holding: Oh wow. I didn’t think about this one but I’m totally doing it already and have been for quite a while.
Weakness: Yep. That’s back. Several weeks ago, Mr. b caught me taking a break from cutting up a watermelon by sitting on the floor and freaked out. I didn’t want to give up in the middle of the project but I just couldn’t stand anymore and figured that wasn’t safe considering the fact I was using a sharp chef’s knife.
Weird nipples: Mr. b called me on that one. Naturally. I remember being a little kid and seeing naked woman boobs at campground showers or wherever and being freaked out about their giant nipples. Some of it was just size perspective, like the house you grew up in seeming smaller if you go back there as an adult. But thinking back on it I have to wonder if there wasn’t some pregnancy and/or breast feeding going on as well.
Lost weight: Five pounds. That is exactly the same amount for the first trimester of both pregnancies.
Fetal movement: Here’s a difference. Apparently it wasn’t until week 16 last time. I know for a fact I’ve been feeling it for several weeks already this time. And I’m not at 16 weeks until Sunday. I know that you feel it earlier for your subsequent pregnancies than you do for your first. But I’m pretty sure that’s still sooner than typical for most women.
Showing: I guess that’s about the same timing, maybe a week earlier this time. It really became evident to me earlier this week. And not just while naked. Some of my clothes still disguise my belly but anything even slightly tightish and you can really see that either I have a major beer gut or else there’s a parasite growing in there.
Taste buds: Interesting. I didn’t remember my distaste for Chinese food last time. Currently I’m having issues with breakfast. All the foods that I normally love (OK cereal mainly, both cold and hot) just don’t sound good to me at all in the morning. And don’t really taste that good to me either. I need to figure out what I do want to eat, and soon, because I need to eat first thing in the morning, pregnant or not.
Well, I’ll stop my review there for now. I don’t want to get too far ahead of where I’m actually at. I do wonder how long I continued wearing regular clothes before switching over to maternity. I’m planning to pull the ‘ternity stuff I saved out of storage this weekend and take inventory. My shirts are just becoming noticeably short and even though my pants still fit, I think it’s time to start integrating some of those items into my closet.
You look so cute with that cut! :)
Aww, thanks. That pic (from my phone) I don't think shows how versatile it's turning out to be though. And wowsers is my face already preggo round!
Love the hair!
I don't remember exactly when you switched to your preggo clothes, either, but your feelings about the subject made such and impression that I immortalized them forever! Hee.
Oh hee! That's right! I forgot you quoted from me for your Pam's New Clothes fic. Awesome.
Hey Bel! Anne directed me to your blog - it's nice to read some sane discourse on the subject of pregnancy. I checked out some of the boards on BabyCenter.com and never quite connected with the energy there. Everyone seemed either worried about something going wrong or totally hyped up on pregnancy hormones I thought they might vibrate through the computer!
I love your comparison to your first pregnancy. I've got about three weeks on you as I just reached 19 weeks on the 10th. You are right about your sensing the fetal movements - that is very early, even for a non-first-timer, from what I've read. I still haven't felt anything that I could explicitly say is fetal movements, but I'm doing lots of belly holding and hoping for something soon.
Oh hello! You're Anne's sister, right? Welcome, I hope you stick around. It's always nice to have a preggo to talk to when you're actually in the middle of it.
I started this blog in the first place precisely because I didn't think there was anything out there that wasn't too gooey and girlie or completely spastic and paranoid. I'm just trying to get the icky part over with so I can enjoy being a parent, thank you very much!
Yep - you pegged me right - Anne's sister. :-)
I agree wholeheartedly on the issue that there isn't much out there for the sane pregger-gals. I'm really enjoying your blog (even went and looked at some historical stuff) and will definitely 'stay'. :-)
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