Wednesday, October 29, 2008

18 Weeks

I haven’t been doing a very good job of keeping track of what gestational week I’m on this pregnancy. I had to actually ask the doctor yesterday. I knew approximately but I wasn’t sure exactly. I know that my “day” is Sunday but I had just completely spaced out if I was already at 18 or coming upon 18. The former.

I guess that’s one of those Second Pregnancy things. Mr. b is experiencing a different one; he said he can’t even imagine how he could possibly love the new baby as much as he loves Kirk. I’ve actually heard that one before. I’m not sure why I’m not feeling it. Maybe because the reality of another lifeform is more immediate for me? I mean, I can literally feel it moving around.

Mr. b also hasn’t been able to come to all of my ob visits with me like before. Yesterday was the first time he got to hear the heartbeat! He announced he could just tell it’s a girl. New Doc was amused. They also had a small bonding moment of making fun of the preggo’s lack of logic. (Dammit, it makes sense to me to want to buy a new Boppy pillow instead of just steal the old one off of Kirk’s bed!)

It was an uneventful visit other than that. As they should be. I’ve gained 2 pounds since last month which is good I guess since I had been loosing before then. I did learn about the weird sharp pains I’ll occasionally get deep in my belly if I stand up too fast or shift position too abruptly. Apparently it’s the ligaments that anchor the uterus getting stretched and not keeping up with what’s required of them. Makes sense to me and nothing to worry about.


Anne C. said...

I've heard that sentiment before (the one about "will I love the second child as much"). The most poetic answer I ever heard was "having another child doesn't divide your love, it multiplies it." Also, there's the "differently but equally" theory.
Which reminds me: my mum used to acknowledge that she treated us differently, but that was because we are different from each other and needed different things. This was in answer to our complaint that our mum liked our brother best. (Of course, she didn't, but he didn't get in trouble for minor stuff... because he was getting in trouble for bigger stuff. :)

belsum said...

Aww, it multiplies your love. I like that. But you're sooooo right about treating differently because differences were needed. I can see that now but it was really hard growing up. I don't think either my sister or my brother have made that leap yet unfortunately and there's still Stuff held over from their childhoods. Sigh.