Saturday, February 28, 2009


Thursday night Mr. b asked me if he thought I was going to make it through the weekend. I replied, "I honestly don't know."

We got a rather decent sized snow storm on Thursday afternoon. All evening I felt just shitty. Extra contraction-y and lethargic and weird. I figured it must be due to the barometric pressure change. I know a full moon can trigger labor so it made sense that the air pressure would, too. And then it would fit in with family mythology perfectly: when I was little I would ask "why" and "how come" questions of my uncle unendingly. Legend has it that one day he got sick of actually explaining things and exasperatedly responded, "It's the air pressure, [belsum]!" My parents have never let me live that down.

Yesterday morning I felt fine so it really seemed that it was, indeed, the air pressure.

But last night it started in again. Early evening and into the night the contractions started up. I wasn't timing them or anything but there was certainly a repetitive feeling. Almost a rhythm. They're lasting longer, though they still don't truly hurt. Very uncomfortable, yes. Obviously my body is preparing for birth. If I make it to my next appointment Monday morning I'm betting I'll have dilated considerably more. However, my new theory is gravity. Because I've been feeling this way late in the day I have to wonder if it's just because I've been upright all day. I've been joking that I don't need to be on bedrest because I just work at a computer. But I honestly felt a lot better last night once I stretched out on the couch.

And this morning I feel fine.

Other similarities that I'm going to keep my eye on include serious hunger in the evening, craving for protein (especially red meat), and insomnia for an hour from about 3:30am to 4:30am.

I wonder how long this pattern can keep up?


superbadfriend said...

OMG any moment now dear, how exciting! Stay in bed just in case. :)

I am usually up during those hours if you want someone to chat with.

This is so fascinating. I mean how you "just know"



lap said...

There's nothing like the final weeks of a pregnancy that's for sure. You're in my thoughts, and at least there's no more snow this weekend...

Anonymous said...

Ellycat says: Feet up and legs crossed!

Zany Mama said...

Sending you good thoughts - whether bambino comes today, tomorrow, or next week!

belsum said...

I'm glad it's fascinating for the non-sprogged, sbf - and I just may have to see if you're up one of these mornings.

It would be different, LAP, if this were my actual 40th week. Dealing with this all at 36 is definitely odd.

Thanks Ellycat and Zany!!

Anonymous said...

Tell that baby to stay put for a bit longer!
Maxie xx

Anne C. said...

How funny... When you were writing that post, Mummy Grabill was in labor! I'm sure she'll fill you in on all the particulars, but she had a healthy boy (6 lbs., 6 oz.) Saturday morning. She woke up and went "hmm... I think it's happening now," managed to get her not-a-morning-person hubby up and at 'em, and a few hours later, she was done!

Adoresixtyfour said...

Hoping BabyBel calms the f#@! down and stays put for a little while longer--fingers & toes crossed...

belsum said...

Thanks Maxie!

Congratulations Auntie Ana! Pass along my good wishes to your sister. Great news.

Thank you so much for the gift card, A64! It was unexpected and most appreciated.

Adoresixtyfour said...

Glad I could help!