Friday, February 20, 2009

The End is Nigh?

Yesterday morning was my latest ob check-up. I’m at 34 and a half weeks and am already 2cm dilated. Now, New Doc made sure to mention that it’s really quite common for a non-first timer to be that dilated already but he’s also finally fully onboard the this-baby’s-comin’-early train. That’s the whole reason he did the internal exam in the first place. After talking through all the usual stuff (weight gain 1 pound, belly measures 35cm, baby heartbeat normal, blah blah blah) he decided that we’d better go ahead and do the Strep B test. I never had it last time so it was all new to me. Hell, I’ve never had my cervix checked when I wasn’t in labor so that was a new one, too!

New Doc explained how they measure the centimeters by the size of their finger tips. That actually made sense to me. When I used to work in the field we all knew the length of our stride so we could easily count off the correct number of paces for 10 meters. You just need that initial baseline and then go with it. But what freaked me out a little was when he said that he could actually feel the head through my cervix. Whoa. So does that mean she’s dropped? Not sure the actual definition of “dropping”. My hips are sore pretty much all the time so obviously my pelvis is spreading. I can feel a strange sort of pressure on my labia that must be from everything above starting to come downward. I didn’t pay much attention to these kinds of details last time because, well, I wasn’t expecting to have a baby a month ahead of schedule!

Upon New Doc’s request, I actually rescheduled my next appointment for earlier in the week. Since Sunday is my day for the week count to reset, having the 36 week one on Thursday would put me at 36 weeks and 4 days. Well, I had Kirk at 36 weeks and 5 days. So. Now it’s set for Monday instead. We’ll see if I actually make it or not. Ideally it would be good to make it over that 37 week line but I’m finding that less and less likely.

The Braxton Hicks have started to come more frequently. They used to be at night only and now show up whenever the hell they feel like it. There’s no pattern still but the intensity has certainly increased. It’s often a much sharper feeling, verging just on the edge of pain, instead of the general sort of squeezing tightness they’ve been causing previously. And sometimes they definitely last longer than just for a brief moment. On top of that, my first trimester constipation issues have returned with a vengeance. Only now that I know I’m already dilated, I’m sort of paranoid that pushing out a turd will be bad for the baby! Plus the poo cramps mix in with the BH and make my entire abdominal region just a festive mélange of uncomfortable annoyances. Oh and the back aches. Let’s not forget those. General pregnancy posture issues? Precursor to back labor? Who knows. But I totally have old man back and I grunt and sigh when standing. It’s kind of ridiculous.

Mr. b’s workmates have started a baby pool. I’ve been trying to make sure all my work items are squared away. What I really need to do is buy some frickin’ Dreft and wash the few non-spit-up stained, non-gender specific items I pulled out of Kirk’s old bin and the adorable prezzies sent by last year’s Best Original Screenplay Academy Award Winner so they’re ready to go. Everything else we’ll figure out as it’s needed.


Mummy Grabill said...

Ok - you totally crack me up . . . "pushing out a turd" totally got me giggling. :-)

I'm wondering if you are gonna go before I do! I go to the Dr in about 45 min so I'll get the word on if I've dilated at all. On one hand, as a first timer, I kind of don't expect it - on the other hand, as you know, I've been getting the BH much more frequently and have been feeling pressure in my pelvis. I know for sure the baby's head is down so that could be helping things along. We'll see.

Emily said...

Wow, I can't believe it could be so soon!

lap said...

Man and constipation doesn't make your back ache less either..I'm thinking good thoughts for you everyday just in case go-time arrives.

superbadfriend said...

Oh my goodness! :)

*waits patiently*

Katie said...

Whoa momma! I'll be thinking of you!!

belsum said...

Cheers ladies! So far, so good. I just tried to take it easy this weekend. The way I felt Friday I definitely wondered if I would be at work today... We're aiming for March 8th, since that would be 37 weeks exactly, so fingers crossed!!

Mummy Grabill said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, Bel! We want that babo to be fully cooked! :-)

Anne C. said...

You and Mummy Grabill are almost on parallel tracks now!

Anonymous said...

As noted elseweb, March 9 is an excellent baby-having day!


Anonymous said...

I thought it wouldn't be for another month (silly me). Good luck & take care.