Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Photo Ops

I find that when I'm taking pictures of Kirk, I tend to focus on what he's wearing. I realized we didn't have any pictures of him in his robot and space ship jammies so that was my only reason for that one. Sure, sometimes there is just something that's really cute that I'll have to capture. But more often than not, it's just his outfit. 'Sides, by the time I get the camera out, the cuteness is usually over. Or else I'll be so wrapped up in actively cultivating the cute that I won't even think about snapping a pic. It'll be interesting to see if I find it easier to pass along clothes since I'll have a record of pretty much all of them.


FEZ BEAR said...

I can definitely relate. I think we spent the first 3 months of Henry's life documenting his jammies.

belsum said...

You think so, Diablo? We don't think he looks like either of us! Probably too close to the source and whatnot....

I love the constant fashion show that is Henry's life!

LA said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, he definitely looks like you.


belsum said...

Thought you'd like that one, la!

Looking like me is better than the alternative I guess....