Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Auntie Daycare

I have another real, solid item, besides pain-in-the-ass to get to, in the “con” column for Auntie Daycare. My sister is sick. She has strep. She called last night when she got back from Urgent Care to let me know. With regular daycare, if a staff member is sick, they stay home for the day. With Auntie Daycare, I have to keep Kirk at home. And like last week when A1 had strep, with regular daycare, she just would have been kept at home. But with Auntie Daycare, she was at home. So I had to keep Kirk.

I really didn’t want to have to just stay home from work today. Besides simply not wanting to use up ¼ of my vacation time before the end of January, I’m busy! So I called my mom to see if she’d be willing and able to come down. Thankfully, she was. So Mom arrived about 9:30 and stayed with Kirk until Mr. b was able to get home. If she hadn’t been able to, Plan B was to call Diablo and see if she’d be willing!

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