Thursday, March 23, 2006

Common Sense

OK, the nurse said home care should be fine. If Kirk gets dehydrated, has a high fever, or continues to vomit or dry heave after 12 hours, then he's got to go in. I shouldn't give him anything, water or medicine or anything, until his stomach is settled. Then it's Pedialyte for 12-24 hours, then 12 more of half-strength formula, and then back to a 4 month old's bland rice cereal and applesauce diet. And he should sleep sitting up if possible to prevent, as Mr. b put it, him from going Bon Scott on us. Kirk's sleeping reclined on a mound of pillows in the living room right now. I'll just stay out here with him until Mr. b gets home from work late tonight and can bring the car seat in. I'm not sure if I should stay home from work tomorrow. Mr. b doesn't have to work so childcare isn't the issue. But am I contagious? I sure as hell don't want to pass this evil shit on to my coworkers. I mean, it looks inevitable that we'll be getting sick next. Great.


Anne C. said...

Hmm... I think I'll add a non-spam comment and say:
Poor little Kirk! I hope he feels better very soon. It sucks to be sick. :(

belsum said...

That was the weirdest spam EVER! Scary that "they" found a way around word verification already....