So using the Boppy is out. Last night I got up with Kirk at 3:45am and walked in to his room prepared to give him a bottle and get out of there. His pillow was on top of him. Not on his face! But it was on his torso and on his legs and he was playing with the edge that came up to his chin. How the fuck did he end up like that? I mean, when Mr. b was up with him earlier that night, say 11-ish, did he just not put him far enough up on the pillow? I doubt it. Frankly, I don't want to think about what kind of factors were involved. I mean, I switched Kirk over to the sleep sack exclusively several months ago because he started pulling his blankets up over his head. And Mommy just doesn't need those kinds of mini-heart attacks in the middle of the night when she's already groggy and annoyed about being up in the first place. So tonight I'm going to order the under-the-sheets wedge thingie.
And also this:

Britney. What the fuck? I mean, I know you're the queen of the trailer court and all, but it's not the 1970s. You can't do that. And as much as Mr. b might reminisce about standing up in the back seat of the car with his brother, playing with toys on the rear dash, even he was aghast upon seeing you driving with your baby on your lap. Stop endangering your son dammit! He already has no chance of a normal life what with you being his cracker-ass mother! Gah!
I think Brittany may have entered Michael Jackson 'dangle the infant over a balcony' territory in the child endangerment category. I wonder how much longer K-Fed can put up with her.
Brit's an idiot. Too dumb to breed; unfortunately, it's too late for that to be taken into consideration.
No doubt. What was that woman thinking?
I mean, DOES she think?
My guess is K-fed does all of the thinking for the whole family. He strikes me as a "man of the house" type of guy.
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