Monday, February 20, 2006

belsum's Miscellany

Having a baby has made us take care of some much overdue vehicle maintenance. We got the 80,000 mile tune-up done last week. (Yeah, it cost 80,000 dollars. Sigh.) Fixed the apparently leaking transmition. Tires rotated. The whole shebang. We both felt like we were bad parents, endangering our son by not driving a car in tip top shape. This being responsible thing is expensive!

It takes a lot longer to get ready in the morning when it's just me and the boy. I know this should be a no-brainer, but it just hit me. When Mr. b and I are carpooling, we can take turns getting Kirk ready. I get him up and give him a bottle while Mr. b is getting dressed. Then he can change Kirk and feed him cereal while I get dressed and prep the diaper bag. On my own, I keep forgetting and so hit the snooze button too many times and then end up rushing and having to skip cereal, like this morning.

We're heading to Texas again on Saturday for a week. I'm looking forward to seeing my in-laws. But I'm worrying about Kirk on the plane. He was so much littler last time we flew with him. He just slept the whole time. We could shut him up with a bottle. But he's totally his own man now. And he's loud. I'm just afraid we're going to be those parents and I don't want to be. Oh well, it'll give me something to fret about other than flying. I hate flying.

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