They spent quite a lot of time putting together “the courthouse what’s on fire” and playing with all the other Cars.

The main attraction, however, was saved for Kirk’s actual birthday: the drum set!

We had it set up in the basement and brought him downstairs, unawares.
Kirk requested that it be moved into his bedroom, understanding that meant the vast majority of his toys had to go downstairs. Now he and his daddy have band practice.
SWEET DRUM SET! That is pretty awesome. Henry has my old baritone uke in his room but I think he just keeps it in there to impress the chicks.
I adore the very last part of the video when Kirkie is spinning his sticks. OMFG!
Mr. B is awesome as ever. Ronnie is adoreeeeeeble.
The stick spinning is SO my favorite part. He's definitely using the drums more than he ever used his guitar.
Adorable, as usual. :D
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