I’m never organized enough to make actual goodie bags for the kids but I did pick up some random crap stuff for them to play with during the party. Mini-frisbees, bubbles, and candy necklaces.

We actually planned ahead and got a Star Trek cake. How cool is it that they have Star Trek cakes standard at the Target bakery right now? Love it when there’s a new movie out and kicking box office ass.

Apparently it was exceptionally tasty cake.

Young Miss V had fun being passed around.

But she crapped out hard when we all had quiet time after the party.

My sister and her family stuck around and that evening we walked up to the local Jamboree for fireworks and carnival rides. Mr. b was the best Drunk Uncle of all time and bought the kids shitloads of glow-in-the-dark bullshit. By the time we all got back home, my sister decided to give in to her girls’s constant begging to sleep over. So the tent went up in the backyard and Mr. b, Kirk, A1, and A2 all spent the night out there. I think Kirk’s still wrecked even today.
Wow. That sounds like the best birthday ever. I'm a bit jealous.
Did he get to keep the little Enterprise from his cake?
That is the cutest party cake ever.Way to go Target! Kirkie looks so happy. Chris and Michael look good. Glad everything turned out well. xo
PS I met your twin at the beach the other day. You to could totally be related. Hah!
Party like a 4 year old, akg, heh.
Of course he kept the ship, A64! It even lights up.
I've heard I have a twin around town, sbf - I guess she moved to Chicago?
Awesome party. Sleepover too! Such adorable kids you have there Bel.
What fun! Happy birthday, Kirk!!
"Lights up"? Sweet! I've got an Enterprise Hallmark ornament that does that, and it's wicked cool. Glad the Captain had such an awesome birthday!
Mr. b is a little jealous of the ship because it's the No Bloody A and he has the A that Matchbox just put out. Heh.
Thank you Kate and Elly! (Ooh, you guys need a TV show...)
Four? I can't believe I've known you since before you were pregnant with him.
Happy Birthday Little Doctor.
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