Monday, July 21, 2008


What he said.

I did keep a travelogue some of the days so I’ll transcribe that and add to it after I get our pictures uploaded. Basically my routine was thus: get up, make muffins, take Kirk to the beach, take Kirk to the pool, eat lunch, put Kirk down for a nap, take Kirk back to the beach, go to the other house for dinner, start drinking, put Kirk to bed, stay up late drinking and playing games.

I am beginning to wonder, however, if the constant heartburn is truly related to all the excessive drinking. I’ll give it a few more days.


Anonymous said...

Haha! Wow, I mean, I know sunburned sucks, but I tend to tan more like your husband! Well, mostly. I don't really do one of those nice tans, but I get darker.

It does sound like a cool trip though. And, Kirk sounds like he's a little fish. So win win!

Chris Hill said...

You know I did many of those "put kirk to bed, and wake up with kirk, and get kirk to nap" times. So you're routine is a little false.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, vacation.

belsum said...

Don't you mean win-win-win? HEE! Go Michael Scott!

hunny: Please note the lack of pronouns used in that routine summarization. It was a generalization for the family. And also? You spelled "your" wrong. So there. ;-P