Monday, January 21, 2008


My abs were sore all weekend long. I did a group exercise class at the work gym on Friday and was appalled to confirm just how out of shape my abdominal muscles still are. Sure, I haven’t really been focusing on them in any sort of consistent fashion since having Kirk but I guess I didn’t expect them to still be so very weak. I don’t know if full-on diastasis recti happens for all preggos but still, the muscles do have to move apart to make way for the uterus. And I haven’t been doing a very good job of trying to strengthen them back up. I’m not even talking about getting rid of the muffin top. I’m fully resigned to that. And frankly, it doesn’t really bother me. I still go out in public in a bikini because I don’t care. Besides, the kinds of crunches and serious ab work I have in mind won’t get rid of belly fat. I need massive cardio to do that. I’m talking about actual medical reasons for getting my core strength back. The most shocking thing about my soreness was that it wasn’t even necessarily my abdominals themselves. It was all the points on my trunk that connect. So my hips felt it and my neck and my armpits. Clearly I have a lot of work to do. It would be legitimately smart for me to do something before I go off the Pill again.


Anne C. said...

I've heard that strength training (formerly known as weight lifting) can be very effective for weight loss. Mainly, it requires the body to work to repair the muscles all day long, not just while you're actually working out.
I don't really have evidence to confirm that, but working out in the mornings 3 days/week has really made a difference in my metabolism. I actually eat breakfast now! Yay!

belsum said...

Oh I've been going to the gym a couple times a week for some time now. It's easy when the gym is right on your work campus! But I haven't been doing much absolute torso focus. Dunno why.

LA said...

If you were a Barbie, you would be Get in Shape Girl!!! Good for you!
I'm sure you have heard this already,(b/c who hasn't?) but Pilates is suppose to be good for mommies and isn't suppose to whack on the back like crunches.
Also on board w/ who cares if they see me jiggle in my suit and hell, while you're at it, enjoy the peek-a-pubes.

belsum said...

Peek-a-pubes! *dies laughing*