On the plus side, it looks like he's becoming interested in using the potty again. It had just been a fun game to play on occasion. Now he's actually beginning to request time to sit down. We bought a toilet seat insert but Kirk doesn't seem to prefer that over the potty chair. He switches back and forth between the two. He's even fine sitting on the pot with a book to look at! So I feel positive that we can finally start to actually put some focus on training. With Thanksgiving travel and Christmas and New Years with Nana and Papa it just seemed to be too chaotic to actually push him. Hell, we haven't fought the fact that he's still sleeping in his crib! The big boy bed is just a place to jump and hide and pile lightsabers.
For the New Year we joined my folks and sister and her family Up North at a time-share resort cabin in Breezy Point. We played outside as much as possible.

Kirk went ice skating for the first time ever. His skates are 4 sizes too big so I stuffed paper towels in the toes and tied them as tight around the ankles as possible. He loved it.

Kirk also adored snowmobiling with his Daddy. After going out a few times he discovered Auntie's helmet. And then he never wanted to take it off.

Great pictures! And how funny is he in that helmet? OMG.
BWAHAHAHAHA!!!! I LOVE the last pic! Too cute! Sorry to hear about the tantrums. Here's hoping it is one of those quick phases! I'll keep my fingers crossed that they continue to happen at home too. We've thankfully only had to leave a restaurant once due to a tantrum. I remember all too well the walk of shame as we were leaving...Ben holding our kicking and screaming child, and me, head down, speedwalking to the door. Ugh. Good luck y'all!
The ice skating pic is cuter than all get out. Pretty awesome...
Yeah, I am digging the ice skating picture. Steve and I don't ice skate (something about me breaking my wrist 2x on roller blades)but my hope is that E will somehow manage to embrace it. Kirk sure looks like he has!
I love the helmet, too, lis.
I remember you telling me about that tantrum after it happened, jill! Yikes. So far, so good. We even managed to go out to dinner tonight and the worst was him banging the fork on the wall hanging "art" thing.
Thank you, fez bear, skating with him was a blast.
I highly recommend the double blades, la. And there's no reason why you can't follow behind on your boots instead of wearing skates!
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