Friday, December 12, 2008

Worst. Night. Ever.

Last night I got up with Kirk at around 2:40. That's pretty common. He frequently ends up with a wet bed because those damn pull-ups just seem to leak all the time. The problem this time? I couldn't fall back to sleep. And it wasn't regular insomnia. I started having nasty cramps.

My first thought, of course, was to freak out about the baby. How many weeks am I? I can never remember. It's somewhere around 24 I think. Definitely not far enough for a premature birth. But then the nature of the cramping didn't fit with the actual early labor pains that I experienced last time. This was more violent. Could it be food poisoning? I had been out to dinner with some girlfriends earlier that night. Still, it wasn't until the puking started that I finally eradicated the notion of it being gestationally related.

Two and a half hours later I was finally able to head back to bed. The chills and the hot flashes and the issues at both ends all made me wonder the whole time if this was somehow bad for the baby. The little girl, however, was extremely active during the entire ordeal. That was a comfort, if you can call anything comforting while going through that. I guess she thought it was a party in my tummy.


Mummy Grabill said...

Oh no, Bel!! Sorry to hear you had a rough night! :-( I hope you are feeling better and that you get to take a nap (maybe?)!

belsum said...

Well, I stayed home from work and basically slept until 3:30 in the afternoon. I feel *mostly* better; we'll see how tonight goes. Thanks for the sympathy!

Anne C. said...

Hope you're feeling better, Bel!

Mummy Grabill said...

I have sympathy in droves right now! It's one thing to feel yucky when you are not-pregnant, it's another when you add pregnancy on top! I hope to NOT (knock on wood) get sick this winter while pregnant. Glad you stayed home and took care of yourself - I hope the weekend helped add some 'taking care of you' time!

belsum said...

Much better, Anne, thank you. I managed to sleep until Noon on Saturday, too, so clearly I was even more wrecked than I thought.

I'm knocking on wood on your behalf, mum!!