Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gender Appears Female

Ten fingers. Ten toes. All the correct organs in all the right spots. And three little lines between the legs, apparently the labia. It seems that Mr. b beat me to the punch and already wrote up his thoughts on learning we are having a girl. Like he said, we all already knew that it was a girl. I was 90% sure going in to the ultrasound that it was a girl. For Kirk I was definitely leaning towards boy but I didn’t have anywhere near the certainty that I felt this time.

I had lunch on Friday with my mom and some of the retired ladies from her swim class. Finding out the sex of the baby came up and some of them couldn’t believe that you’d want to know. But one of the oldest of the ladies pointed out that they never had the chance to know. The technology didn’t exist then. Basically it came down to some of them would have wanted to find out and some of them would have still waited. I thought that was interesting since that’s exactly how it is now. I can’t imagine not wanting to find out and people that wait can’t imagine wanting to spoil the surprise!

Of course now we are starting to seriously look at the logistics of having another human in the house. First of all, where do we put her? It was easy with Kirk because we just moved the guest bed downstairs and turned the guest room into his bedroom. But neither of us really want to try to squeeze a crib back into his room now that it’s finally been removed. And I don’t think it would be fair or healthy for Kirk to deal with being awakened every night for feedings and all that goes along with a new baby. But there’s certainly no space in our room for more than a bassinette, and barely even that to be honest. So I think we’re going to move downstairs.

The basement living room has an egress window and is counted as a third bedroom. We’d be able to use our current room as a guest room and have plenty of space downstairs for a crib and other baby equipment. Then when she’s older and sleeping through the night we can revisit sharing a room with her brother. Mr. b was talking bunk beds if she was a boy but I don’t see why that can’t still happen. I don’t see anything wrong with a brother and sister sharing a room – at least until they’re 8 or 10 or so. And presumably at that point we’ll have moved into a bigger place anyway. So in the meantime we need to get Kirk used to the idea of him sleeping on a different floor of the house than us. I’m not sure how he’s going to react to being the only one upstairs at night.

And we need to start rearranging furniture and getting rid of crap and organizing the basement. Which is all good stuff and will force us to better utilize a lot of space that’s currently going to waste. And I think we’ll get a dorm fridge in which to keep baby milk.


lap said...

My sister just had her baby two weeks ago, and she's the only person of our generation that I know of that didn't want to know the sex of her baby in utero. Consequently it took more than 24 hours for them to officially name my nephew as well. I wonder how much of wanting to know is naming etc? I know that was a big reason I wanted to know.

I think a boy and a girl can share a room comfortably. My 10 yr old still has sleepovers with her friends that are boys (and have known long enough they are practically siblings...)

Anne C. said...


I'll leave it to my sister to reveal her gender news and tell you about when she shared a room with our brother.


Unknown said...


I was going to ask if this one would be Uhura, but I see you already have an excellent name picked out.

Mummy Grabill said...

Thanks Anne, yes I was going to share my roommate story. :-) My older brother and I shared a room until we were older. I can't recall exactly what age we were, but I'm thinking he was maybe 9 or 10. My dad likes to tell the story about how he had to explain why we couldn't sleep in the same room anymore. I didn't understand why at the time, but I can imagine him trying to explain it. :-)

We found out yesterday that we're having a little boy. :-) Took us a bit by surprise as we thought we were having a girl - but there it was, staring us int he face the second she put the probe on my belly! It looked like he had sat on the copier and taking a photocopy of his bum, fruit basket and all. It was hilarious! So there is very little doubt. :-)

Penny said...


I shared a room with my brother until he was 16 and I was 7, and we got a bunk bed when I was 4. There were 4 kids in a 3 bedroom house, and 3 of us were girls. My brother was going to have to share a room with one of us.

Adoresixtyfour said...

Girl, yay!

belsum said...

Aww, that's for the good wishes you all. And the stories of sharing rooms with your siblings! That's all good ammunition for the next time it comes up...

Congratulations to you, Mummy! I hope your psychic friend tones down any "I told you so" action. Heh.

Mummy Grabill said...

Thanks Bel! And you'll have one of each now, that's very efficient of you, I think! :-)

Yes, I have relayed the news that my psychic was right, but I have not heard back from her. Maybe her powers are telling her not to mention it! ;-)

FEZ BEAR said...

Big congratulations!! We didn't find out the sex for Henry but did for Violet just so we could have something to be excited about while we were stressed out while building our house. Looking back, I thought it was more exciting to find out in the delivery room because it makes a more intimate and emotional experience that just the parents share and everyone is excited to find out afterwards.

Also, I was one of three boys and we had a bunk bed in the mix for a mighty long time and always enjoyed it. It also provides much more room for activities.

Finally, in prison they say take the top bunk if you have the chance since it offers an easier position from which to defend yourself. Just putting that out there.

belsum said...

I think having one of each with also prevent either of us from being tempted to try this whole thing again. [/not thrilled with pregnancy today]

fez bear, I just keep thinking back to the immortal words of Marty McFly, "So you're my uncle Joey? Better get used to those bars kid."