Wednesday, March 10, 2010


We all have summer birthdays so it was weird trying to prep for an indoor party. Moving the ottoman to the side opened things up nicely.
mmm keys

Ronnie menaced plenty while we were trying to get organized.
walking away

I think we put out a pretty decent spread of food!
the spread

Mr. b picked out a separate slice of cake for Ronnie to menace. I was surprised that he got chocolate since he hates messes!
Daddy hates messes

This mess was a doozy.

We had to strip her bare and give her a bath in the middle of everything in order to clean her up!
party bath

She wore her third outfit for the day to open presents. She got tons of cute clothes and some really great toys.

She was definitely overwhelmed by it all.
so much to take in


Emily said...

She's adorable! It's hard to believe a year has passed. Yes, I have major issues with any kid (however little I know them) getting older.
We're about to have a birthday in the class at the end of March, and then another in April. I can't wait until those two start walking and turning one, although it's like, all, my little flirty boy will be a toddler!!!

Anonymous said...

So sweet!

superbadfriend said...

Love the pics, Bels. Sorry we couldn't be there. Would have been so great to see you all.

belsum said...

Thank you ladies!!!