Naturally Mr. b then realized Jor-El would be the perfect costume for him.

I wanted to get a hot dog bunting for Bundle, because that’s hilarious, but didn’t want to spend twenty bucks when she doesn’t care yet. Thankfully we still had the baby demon costume that A3 wore last year and Kirk wore three years ago.

I couldn’t find the horned hood thingie though but found the Santa hat to be even funnier. She was Satan Claus! I was out of inspiration and so just wore festive black and had green hair.

My folks and my sister came over with A2 and A3 to trick or treat with us while my dad passed out candy.

Kirk as Superman is like the coolest thing ever.
The look on Veronica's face is what makes Satan Claus really work...
And the red eyes...
Much adorableness! Dying from the cute...
Does that mean when Kirk wears his glasses, he's Clark Kent? ;)
Super cute!
You know it, Anne! (And his father actually told him he could trick-or-treat sans glasses for that very reason...)
Thanks guys!!
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