Friday, January 09, 2009


It’s time for another catch-all post. I keep a mental list of topics I want to write about but then the day gets away from me and I don’t have time to write at home and suddenly it seems out of date and a full dissertation no longer makes sense to me.

Mr. b has Kirk convinced that his sister is going to be named “Strawberry”. You know, Strawberry Hill. Like the Boone’s Farm flavor.

As I was trying to fall asleep the other night it suddenly felt strangely cool at the front of my shirt. I looked down and my boob was leaking! Isn’t it still a bit early for milk action?

I think Kirk is officially done with naps. He’s definitely been transitioning out of them for a while but now it’s just not even worth fighting to get him to lay down. He has quiet time at daycare and we’re trying to continue that at home on the weekends (when I, however, still take naps). I guess I knew this was coming but it definitely seems early to me. I can remember having nap time at preschool. But I can also remember not actually *sleeping* during nap time in preschool… Now we just need to figure out how to adjust his bedtime to account for the lack of naps.

I think I’m starting to have light Braxton Hicks. I guess this would be the right timing since I’m into the third trimester. I can’t remember when they began last time. I don’t really notice except for when I’m laying down at night. Then the front of my stomach will seem really tense for a little while before relaxing. They don’t hurt at all, which is why it could also just be baby pressure on one side and pillow pressure on the other.


Anne C. said...

Well, your last name could be "Fields". I bet Kirk would *really* like that, considering how much he likes The Beatles.

lap said...

I think Kirk should be warned that if the baby turns out to be a boy, he will be named "Blueberry" and then you could watch several seasons of Happy Days with him.

You could then explain that Happy Days came from American Grafitti which sprang from the same mind as Star Wars, but he might be back to napping by the end of the explanation...

See, the whole inability to write on the weekend is why I so wholeheartedly encouraged the slacking at work thing today...

belsum said...

Ooh, I never thought of the "Fields" connection - good one, Anne!

You know, the mister just did a student campaign at Braico, riffing on the whole American Graffiti thing, too funny LAP!

FEZ BEAR said...

If you name your baby Strawberry I promise to name our next goat Mad Dog 20/20.

belsum said...

Well, I think Mad Dog is a perfect goat name so you might have to go with that no matter what fez bear!!