Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Milk Fed Veal

Kirk had his 3 year check-up this morning. Everything is awesome, he’s in perfect health, developing fantastically, blah blah blah. But we definitely have a couple of take-aways. Mr. b asked about milk. Because Kirk drinks a lot of it. So much that Doc was actually worried that he might be anemic. Apparently kids reach a point where getting the majority of their calories from milk instead of solid food can deprive them of other nutrients, particularly iron. So Kirk had to have his finger pricked. He looked at the lab tech with this shocked, accusatory expression on his face and hissed, “You hurted me!” But he didn’t cry and he forgot all about it once we left. The results? His hemoglobin is “excellent” and he’s definitely not anemic. However, we’re still going to start weaning him off the constant milk cups. It’s largely a laziness factor I think. On both sides. It’s easy to just get him a sippy of milk and it’s easy for him to just carry around a sippy of milk. I’ve already begun to only fill the cup 1/2 or 2/3 full when he asks for some so that’s a start. We’re going to get him some Flintstones vitamins, too.

We also need to actually take him in to an optometrist. We should have after we saw Doc the last time to check out his eyes/flat head. But laziness prevailed there as well and it didn’t happen. Now she’s worried that his right eye might be developing a little off and wants us to be sure that it’s not that and is only a result of the skull shape. Great. Oh and teeth. Time to take him to the dentist. Well, since he’s not on my dental insurance yet that’ll have to wait until next year. I have a check-up I need to schedule soon for myself and I was thinking of bringing him along just to observe and get used to the idea.

Doc also was properly saddened by her decision to quit delivering babies when we told her I’m knocked up. She spoke highly of the guy I’ll be seeing in a couple weeks for my first ob visit though and asked that I bring Child Person to her after the birth.

The last thing we need to work on is something we’ve been working on already: potty training. Doc suspects that it may come down to peer pressure for Kirk. He’s certainly physically capable of doing it. But he doesn’t care. And he’ll convince himself that he “can’t” and then won’t even try. Mr. b has instigated a bribery system that works…to a point. Kirk will most definitely put his pee in the potty if there’s a toy on the line. Stickers and suckers seem to be less worth the effort however. So yesterday he peed in the potty four times in rapid succession – just enough to get the three Cars hotrods and one Cars book that were taunting him from on top of the refrigerator. Maybe this plan is backfiring after all.


FEZ BEAR said...

We've been trying to cut down on Henry's milk consumption as well. One thing we are trying is giving up the sippie cups for big boy cups. For some reason this makes a difference for him -- but he also spills way more, sometimes intentionally.

Bribery is also a proven method in our house. If that fails, we try mockery and humiliation.

Laddical said...

Alexis gets that way about going #2. She's fine going pee by herself, but absolutely REFUSES to poop in the potty, even if it means going in her big girl panties (though I think she tries to hold it until we put her in her nighttime trainers).

Anne C. said...

Hmmm... smart and lazy. I resemble that remark. ;)

superbadfriend said...

Bribery is genius! Glad it is working out. Don't be so hard on yerself, dear. Appointments are friggin' hard to make, let alone keep. You are doing a great job with him.

Also, how brilliant of you to bring him along to your dentist. MY FOLKS did not do that for us and I remember the first visit to the dentist. The sound of the drill. The chair. It was a horror fest. Remember to ask the dentist to show Kirkie some of the tools and let him hear the sounds they make but have him show them in a fun way so he isn't scared shitless next time!

belsum said...

The big boy cups don't seem to be as acceptable, fez bear. Just one more thing to add to the list. *sigh* And yeah, mockery and humiliation are definitely in the tool kit here, too!

How old is Alexis, laddical? Still, it's nice to hear about a girl child having issues since people always say it's the boys with the potty challenges.

Great minds, ana...

I hope the dentist thing helps, sbf. I'll have to ask them when I call to make the appointment. But I'm sure they'll be fine with it. And it's not like my check-ups ever take long since I have awesome teeth!

Laddical said...

She's 4, so yeah, gettin' a little long in the tooth on this one. So much so that we've been completely distracted on getting her 2 and a half year old sister started. Need to start working on that.