Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fashion Roadkill

I am frickin’ fed up with Kirk’s refusal to wear anything besides sweatpants and long sleeved stripey shirts. Honestly. It’s ridiculous. Part of the problem is the dwindling supply. I was unaware that Minnesota had canceled Spring so I didn’t stock up on additional sweats while they were still available in stores. The Summer clothes are there but…the Summer weather is not. Kirk keeps on growing and so he’s down to 4 acceptable shirts and 3 pairs of pants. That are in constant rotation.

At first we were delighted with his preference for the sweatpants. We thought it meant he was going to start taking a more active role in his pottying since they are much easier to remove than jeans with snaps and a zipper. But nope. No luck there. And I honestly don’t know why the stripey shirt thing caught on as completely as it did, except that his daddy sure has a lot of them in his own wardrobe.

For a while now I’ve been giving Kirk a choice when it comes to the Battle of Getting Dressed every morning: jeans or khakis. “Jeans are yucky! Khakis are yucky! I want sweats!” So I give in, because it means that he’s at least out of his jammies. The next round is shirts: long sleeved or short sleeved. He is completely against short sleeves. But he was fine with them in Texas…? Next I’ll pull out two shirts that match as closely as is possible whatever clean sweats he’s in and let him decide. “NOOOO! I need a stripey!” My kid dresses like Frankenstein from Big Daddy. *sigh*


superbadfriend said...

I'm with the kid on this one.


Jill said...

Hell, I'd wear sweats every day if I could. He's on to something. Jeans and khakis are yucky!

Adoresixtyfour said...

If my employer would let me get away with wearing sweatpants every day, I'd do it.

FEZ BEAR said...

I share your sentiment on the sweatpant issue and believe they are a blessing and a curse. We started out with "sweatpant Sunday" and just kinda grew from there...

Chris Hill said...

Okay first off, Kirk is not Frankenstien, he doesn't have a cummerbund or a colander in his ensemble. Yes he is difficult in the mornings. Today however I was in a big hurry so I just put a short sleeve shirt on him and jeans. He was mad, but I told him that for the privilege of picking out his own clothes he needs to demonstrate the responsibility of using the potty and dressing himself. "Privilege" and "Responsibility". Nice huh? I learned that from the Berenstain Bears.

belsum said...

sbf, jill, 64: You're not helping!!!

We started out with just sweatpants Sunday, too, fez bear. It's amazing how quickly that got away from us!

I am so down with the privilege and responsibility Berenstain Bears potty training plan, hunny.