I had a burst of creative energy a few weekends ago and put it to good use. Mr. b had a pair of old khakis with the knees torn out that I hemmed into shorts for him. But what to do with the legs? I am too much of a fabric hoarder to just toss them into the rag pile. Instead, I made Kirk a back pack! I had a lot of fun thinking it through. Putting in a circular bottom seemed obvious but coming up with the fold-over button front took me a while.

I think I set the straps a bit too wide but Kirk doesn't seem to mind and I suppose he'll grow into them this way.

There was still a bit of fabric left after that so I decided to make Bundle a chew toy. I deliberated for a while on its shape and size and finally decided to go with a triangular block because it seemed like the easiest for her to grab onto. I added the buttons for her to pick at, hold onto, and crew on. It's "educational" because I did 1, 2, 3 on each side! She loves it and it's always covered with slobber now. Especially on the 2 side. Not sure if it's the red, the style of buttons, or coincedence...
Wow! What a wonderful idea.
This is just another confirmation that you are an outstanding parent.
Certainly, better than all of the parental units that I know of.
Word Verification: thelises
The lises. Heh.
The backpack almost looks like it's smiling. Cute.
So creative and resourceful! You're amazing!
Looooooooooooove Theeeeeeeeeese!
Very resourceful indeed. I like that you've incorporated numbers out of the buttons. Kirkie could even decorate his own version of a character with those cute eyes already in place!
Thank you guys! It was so much fun to make. I've been making bags out of pants since 7th grade so it was fun to make another one. And yeah, it totally has a smiling face. :)
This is really a nice and informative, containing all information and also has a great impact on the new technology. Thanks for sharing it Baby Back Pack
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