Kirk eats apple slices the same way he eats melon wedges. And then we’re left with a field of spent apples. I don’t really want to be the kind of mom that always peels the apples but he just eats around them. Even if I cut each apple slice down to bite size pieces he leaves the peel.
Thankfully he eats the crust on his bread. He seems to have switched off macaroni & cheese as his failsafe, always-ready-to-eat-it food and is now on peanut butter (with or without "purple jelly") sandwiches. And those he eats strangely, too; he pries the bread slices apart and eats each side as its own open-face sandwich. Very messy. But "dood".
The only other failsafe food at the moment is "O-bars". He’ll eat a granola bar no matter what. We refuse to make him a whole separate meal of his own if he has decided that he doesn’t want to eat what we’re having for dinner so he has had quite a few O-bars in the past couple of weeks.
He’s a bit of a menace in my garden, too. I don’t have much growing in the way of vegetables but he took his soft Twins baseball bat to my yellow pepper plant and managed to knock off the only branch that was producing fruit. So, no peppers for me. He’ll pick tomatoes, either the Cherries or the Romas, and take one bite before spitting it out as "icky". For some reason the no pick rules I’ve hammered home regarding my flowers just haven’t stuck on the tomato front. "Mama’s pretty flowers. Kirkie no pick. Nose. *snorting exhalation as he attempts sniffing*" Maybe because I pick them but leave the flowers? Oddly he leaves the zucchini alone.

Except when it’s sitting on the counter of course. Then it’s a hilariously awesome thing to carry around. I have no idea why my zucchini plant produced such a monster. It really hasn’t put out that much fruit at all but two of them have been those ridiculously State Fair sized behemoths.
The cute, it burns.
I'm so glad you took a picture of all those little ravaged apple slices. That is the cutest thing ever!
The apple picture is strangely beautiful.
The pictures are hilarious! The zucchini is almost as big as Kirk. Cute!
Olivia does the same thing with her PB&Js. It's very strange, but she won't eat them any other way.
Kirk is awesome. Henry eats his PB & J like that too and also loves granola bars. Likely a sign of genius.
That zuc' looks like worthy of the Alaska State Fair. Not bad...
Hey, eventually he can be taught to throw his own apple rinds away, and then you're golden. So funny (and he's sooo cute!).
My mom would let my sister have a bowl of cereal if she wouldn't eat what the rest of us were eating- I think it's a fantastic policy. The kid doesn't starve, but he doesn't get his pickiness catered to, either.
Wow, that zuke is pretty stupendous. Kirk is adorable! He looks so big now - we must get together for some tunneling soon.
diablo & tom - I love that picture, too. I'm so glad that it's speaking to you!
jilly & fez - I wonder if it's a universal kid thing to tear their sandwiches open like that? I never would have thought of it before. Very interesting.
lis - cereal isa good idea, too. I may have to try that. I'm not trying to starve the boy but I'm not actually his slave either!
la - yes, definitely tunneling soon. (Hee! Sounds like we're in an episode of Hogan's Heroes!)
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