Thursday, September 06, 2007

Finish Line

Today is my sister's birthday. She's 29 now and is about to have her third child. Third. Before 30. The thing that really struck me is how hugely pregnant she is. Her official due date is one week from now but her doctor thinks she'll deliver this weekend. And I don't know what that level of pregnancy is like. I never experienced the massive frustration, waiting for the end to come. I never got a chance to be desperate to get the baby outta me. It's sort of fascinating to look at it objectively like that and I realized it's a whole aspect of female reproduction that I just didn't participate in. I have secretly wondered in the past if women that have had C-sections really can understand what giving birth, actual delivery, is truly like. But in most instances, there was a serious medical reason that they had to operate. They did go through labor, at least somewhat, and that wasn't good enough. So I feel bad that I held that slight prejudice. I think realizing that I missed out on an integral part of pregnancy by having Kirk nearly a month early has helped me to change that opinion.

But seeing my sister tonight at her birthday dinner made me realize just what she has in store for her. And that I really am not ready to do it again. Not yet.


Jill said...

No baby on her birthday? Well, I hope she had a happy one. As far as the C-section deal, I didn't go through one minute of labor and sadly, yes, I do feel like I sort of missed out on it. When I hear other moms talk about the hours of contractions and the pushing all to make it to such a fantastic finish line I do feel slightly jipped. I mean, it would've been nice to have at least tried it. On the other hand, it was sort of nice to have it all out of the way in less than an hour :-).

Anonymous said...

Can we talk about something else? I'm only terrified of labor and delivery if I have to think about it.


belsum said...

Heh, sorry lis.

I had no idea you felt that way from the other side, Jilly. Interesting. I suppose we've never talked about it before! And still no baby - she thinks it's going to be Christmas! HA!