I woke up about 3 this morning. I couldn’t get back to sleep and just had this feeling that I needed to check on Kirk. The cat was in the crib with him! So cute. But she jumped out like she was doing something naughty as soon as I peeked in. When I told this to Mr. b this morning he peeked in and she was back!
I’ve been waiting for that to happen for a while now. I’ve busted her in the crib in the middle of the day when no one’s even in his room at all. And since she’s only lived with us for less than a year, she certainly didn’t have the no-bassinet-EVER rule drilled into her head like the Squirrel. Besides, she and Kirk are totally friends. They pick on each other and love each other. When Kirk’s sitting on one of our laps before bed, she’ll pile on, too. Sometimes much to his dismay. So I always figured she’d end up sleeping with him when he graduates to a big boy bed. She’s just starting early!
That is very cute pic.
SRH speaks the truth. The Captain's hair is getting darker, isn't it? Or is it just the picture?
I hadn't remembered that you have a brown tabby like my boys.
Amazing that a cat would feel so comfortable near a child. Very cute!
Looks like they're good buddies. So sweet.
Ah, thanks ya'll! As much as Chloe is a total pain in the ass, I have to love her because Kirk clearly does. Poor crazy Squirrel in the basement would never do something like that!
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