Monday, April 10, 2006


Last night I switched my nose ring. I’d been thinking of doing it for a while now. Kirk had been grabbing at the hoop lately. He’s been very interested in jewelry, grabbing at necklaces and my watch and Mr. b’s earrings and my earrings and whatnot. So switching to something smaller was definitely a factor. Now I’m wearing a tiny 6-petal flower stud. Well, not a stud in the Mall sense, it’s an Indian one so it’s coiled. I also have a little carnelian, but that looks like a zit when I wear it. I think I want to get something with a bit of bling, but I don’t know if the Indian dress shops around town have that good of a selection. I had planned on shopping around before switching but decided to just get it over with. It still feels strange. I had been wearing the same hoop in my nose since 1992. Sure, I changed it for my brother’s wedding and a few other occasions, but still, that’s a long time. I was used to that particular shape in my periphery. But it was time. I’ve been feeling it for a while and I just had to admit it to myself. I want to climb the corporate ladder so that Mr. b can be a stay-at-home-dad. And while I don’t have to give up the piercing itself to do so, it frankly is more professional to have it be smaller.

I’m also thinking of changing this blog’s name. I’m not knocked up anymore. And I’ve noticed that on a couple of my male friend’s blogs, they are linked to me by “belsum” and not “Knocked Up”, so I wonder if that’s too girly of a title? Heh. But really, it just isn’t quite accurate. And I’m also considering lightening up on my self-imposed rule of only writing about baby and preggo and parenting stuff here. I had been putting all other random thoughts on MySpace but, as Jon so eloquently pointed out already, that site kinda sucks. And it’s not like I haven’t been loosely tying in non-reproductive topics already. I don’t know. Bueller?


Anne C. said...

I like the name and I imagine the main subject matter will continue to be Master Kirk. I don't see any disparity between keeping the name and having some non-baby content.
However, I will continue to read it regardless of the name, so if you want to change it, go ahead.
(I've never gone to your MySpace blog, mainly because those places scare me.)

Anonymous said...

I personally think the name is still fine as well - but I do understand your desire to change it - as for talking about other jazz - sure why not! Its your blog - do what you wish with it :)

FEZ BEAR said...

I was hoping for some commentary from you on the new Brittany Spears incident.

belsum said...

Oh dear lord what now?

FEZ BEAR said...

Just a mild skull fracture, but I think she bribed a nanny to take the heat. My take is that Brit & K Fed were passed out on the couch from smoking geef and the baby rolled off and kabonked his head on the coffee table. Its just a theory though.