Kirk's favorite thing in the world is a spoon. I gave him a shitty old wooden spoon that had a chunk out of it so I obviously couldn't use it for cooking anymore. He didn't let go of it for weeks. He'd bring it in the bathtub. He'd carry it out to the car. It traveled everywhere. It went missing earlier this week. I haven't got a clue where it might be.
But the spoon fetish continues. It doesn't really seem to matter the type, size, shape, materials, anything. He's just as happy with a metal serving spoon as he is with a plastic soup spoon. My mom told me tonight that my sister went through a major spoon phase when she was little, too. Is that kind of weirdness hereditary?!
Hey! We have those pajamas, too. Zane likes to name the tools on them as characters from Handy Manny.
Also, Zane's very favorite thing in the world when he was Kirk's age was to take a big wooden spoon and stir up his legos in their container. It was the most irritating sound on the planet, but he loved it, so I have such fond memories.
Spoons, eh? Hm. Kids are funny.
I don't know if wierdness is hereditary, but I will speak up to observe that Kirk's face is no longer moon-shaped! His face is lengthening a bit (or getting thinner) such that he no longer looks like a baby but is now a little boy. Congrats, mon capitan!
There are worse things to be obsessed with. When Little Man was almost 2 he loved frying pans. Big heavy frying pans. I One day I bought him a smaller single egg sized frying pan, but he wanted the real deal big-ole frying pans.
We knew he was hungry when he would bring us a frying pan.
Hee! I can just picture Zane bringing you a pan! Adorable.
Kirk's too young for Handy Manny but I find myself compelled to watch it anyway.
I know what you mean, Ana. I'm amazed at the difference when I look at baby pictures--already!
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