Sunday, November 13, 2005

Beautiful Dreamer

Last night as I was getting ready to go to Mr. b's gig, Kirk woke up shrieking. It was the strangest thing. He had only gone down about a half hour before and suddenly he sounded like he was in pain or terror or something. Like he had a nightmare. My brother and sister-in-law were over to stay with him while we were out and so they fetched me stuff--bottle, pacifier--as I calmed him down. My SIL thought that maybe it was just a dream period. That he's now old enough to notice that he's having a dream in the first place. I buy that. Dreams are trippy. That'll freak your shit out if you don't know what's going on.

Incidentally, my SIL is now more pregnant than I was when I had Kirk. That kind of freaks my shit out.

I sometimes feel bad that Kirk has to sleep by himself. That he doesn't have anyone to cuddle with or keep him warm. I've shared a bed with Mr. b for over 12 years. It always seems lonely to me when I'm sleeping by myself. And yet, we're no longer of a culture where siblings share even a room, much less a bed. So he'll go on sleeping all by himself until he grows up and meets his mate.


Anonymous said...

I agree, it must be so lonely sleeping alone for a baby! You just want to snuggle in your bed - especially in the cold winter. I've thought about that and decided that when and if I have another child and it turns out to be another boy, my little dudes will share a room. Even if we have the extra space by then, I'm gonna make them share for awhile. It probably teaches them a lot of things, like patience and how to work (fight) it out... very important! Plus, they can feel safe when they're little. Take care! JMJ

Anne C. said...

You forget the wonderful comfort of sleeping with stuffed animals! I remember when I finally decided that I shouldn't sleep with stuffed animals cause I was "too old for that anymore". Now that was a lonely night... :(

belsum said...

Those are both good points! I shared a room with my sister 'til I was 8. And then I sure as hell had a ton of stuffed animals after I moved to the basement!