Saturday, September 17, 2005

One of the tough parts about aclimating Kirk to a proper bedtime is that we have to get used to it, too. Both Mr. b and I had developed our own crutches to get him to sleep. Mr. b would put him in his car seat and have him out with him while writing songs or playing video games. And I would bring the little man in to bed with me after Mr. b went to work in the morning. We can't use those tricks anymore. It's also weird to simply have him be in a different room. He's been everywhere we go for his whole life so far. We'd just drag his bassinette from room to room. Baby monitors are nice but definitely a change. They're both ultra sensitive and not good enough. I can hear Kirk fussing in his crib with extreme clarity but not his quiet breathing. And for a mom of a baby who was taken away at the hospital due to apnea (and he has a rather asthmatic daddy) hearing breathing is of paramount importance. I have to force myself to relax and try to sleep instead of straining to hear the inhaling and exhaling over the monitor.

One year ago today we closed on our house. It's hard to believe it's already been that long and that it went by so fast. We have a baby, dammit!


Jon Hunt said...

Isn't that interesting how you put the words "closed on our home" in your post and somebody's stupid marketing Bot found your blog and posted an advertisement in the comments?

Well, not "interesting" so much as REALLY REALLY ANNOYING.

Taking note of this whole "crib training" thing for future reference. Uh huh. Keep us posted as to how it works. I've never had to do that, and I'm sure I'm gonna!

belsum said...

There. Changed comments to "word verifiication". That'll learn those spamming bastards!

Uh, yeah. Anyway jon, crib training seems to be working quite well--so far!

Anne C. said...

Thanks so much, jon and belsum, for discussing this stupid spamming issue. I've had a couple happen on my own blog, and I didn't know what to do about it (admittedly, I haven't had much time to investigate) until now.
Thank you!