Friday, February 19, 2010

Flotsam and Jetsam

Kirk’s taken to making proclamations of “I’m gonna buy you something” to both me and his father. The items he’s going to purchase vary from the simple to the extravagant. It’s very sweet. He totally doesn’t understand money yet. Heh.

Veronica has all but broken the television remote. Every time it’s left in her reach she has chewed it to the point where the buttons simply don’t work anymore. One evening earlier this week she managed to chew it into a feedback loop of scanning for channels!

Kirk is becoming quite the master builder. He loves regular sized Legos the most, though he’ll also use Duplos or bristle blocks or anything else handy. He has created everything from pirate ships to Lightning McQueen to the Incredible Hulk. It’s fabulous to watch his creativity in such a concrete manner.

Ronnie still won’t take steps unless you trick her. If her destination is at standing height then she might step once or twice but usually she’ll just speed-crawl over. The strange thing, however, is that she is now nearly perfectly balanced (relative to a baby learning to walk) and will spend most of her time standing once she’s reached her new location.

I’ve been going through my wardrobe and culling items. I discovered I had a box of goal weight clothes I set aside before Kirk was born. Some of them fit! Our scale has been broken since the clogged toilet disaster so that was an exciting discovery. I’ve also stopped wearing nursing bras exclusively. Boy, I need new bras.

In the ongoing attempt to make sure Kirk has good manners, I’ve been trying to impress upon him the difference between an empty “I’m sorry” to get out of trouble and a truly meaningful apology. I haven’t decided yet if we’re making any progress.

On the topic of manners, what about chivalry? I’m not sure at what point, or even if, I should start with the holding the door for a lady, letting a lady go first, that sort of thing. Respect Your Elders probably needs to come next anyway. We’re still working on Wait Your Turn If Someone Else Is Speaking.

Bundle takes showers with me now. I gave up even trying to keep her out. She loves hanging out and splashing when her brother or her dad is in the bathtub and if I’m in the shower she will lean over the edge to try to play with the water spray. She is just about tall enough to climb in. Rather than fight it, I now let her hang out below me, cheerfully splashing shampoo bubbles and sliding around in the tub.


FEZ BEAR said...

Did the scale somehow break during the toilet incident? Didn't a Steely Dan concert figure into that evening as well. Must have been one crazy night.

Henry is a total lego maniac, too.

belsum said...

Yes and Yes. (The bathroom floor flooded, thereby wrecking the battery mechanism or some other such teknikle thingiemabob. The mister was at a Steely Dan concert and didn't get home until I had already utterly failed to fix the toilet.)

Anne C. said...

Hee! Love the wandering from subject to subject.

On the issue of chivalry, I find that it's actually a spinoff of respect and thoughtfulness to everyone. Hold the door for whomever you are walking with or [gasp!] even strangers! Then, when he's interested in girls, you can explain that to be extra nice to them shows them he cares about them. It's not about girls being weaker but about showing interest and respect.

wringem = what you do to the bath mats after the toilet breaks

belsum said...

Heh. Thanks Anne. Obviously my brain was filled with miscellany...

That's a great point, too, about chivalry being respectful. We're definitely constantly working on being respectful. I always think of the exchange in the sorely underrated movie "Blast From the Past" where Dave Foley's character paraphrases Brendan Fraser's, "He said, good manners are just a way of showing other people we have respect for them. See, I didn't know that, I thought it was just a way of acting all superior."

Unknown said...

Are you sure Veronica isn't a puppy? :)

belsum said...

HA! No seriously, the bite mark on my shoulder from last night makes me think it's a possibility...