Sunday, October 12, 2008


Yesterday evening we went to Target to pick up Kirk's hard-earned prize: a Screamin' Banshee. He filled in his potty chart with stickers for every poop in the potty and that was the final goal. He was beyond excited. (We need to come up with a new prize for the next round of potty training - I want to give stickers for no accidents next.) But as we were leaving Target I saw the back of his pants; he was soaked through. OK, part of that is because we had just spent a couple of hours at an apple orchard and since he was wearing pull-ups none of us thought to have him use the bathroom. But it was still just plain amusing for him to have an accident then.


superbadfriend said...

awwwwwhahahahahaha. That is kinda soooo cute!


belsum said...

Hee! You're talking like Kirk now! He always inserts extra kindas into his sentences.

FEZ BEAR said...

A sticker for every turd. That is awesome.

belsum said...

It worked really well. But now we need to find a new toy that he's as desperate to own because the No Post-Daycare Accidents Plus Poops in the Potty chart is just not getting filled up as fast.