Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Devil

We wanted Kirk to be a skeleton for Halloween but couldn't find an outfit in his size. Demon was an excellent back-up plan.

Nope, no candy yet
Kirk was quite enamoured of his Jack-o-Lantern bucket even before we went Trick-or-Treating. We only went to a handful of houses, maybe 8 in all. He didn't quite get how it worked, and Mr. b had to hold him the whole time, but it was still fun. He got so cold by the end though that Mr. b gave him a bath while I passed out candy.

On Saturday we attended Suctionprint's annual costume party.

Barry Gibb, Kaylee Frye, and the Devil

Kirk spent most of his time playing near, but not necessarily with, the only other little guy that attended.

Let's see how loud I can be!

Kitchen implements were the favorite toy. Naturally.

1 comment:

tom said...

K-Dawg is looking like a little man these days, less like a baby. To see young George as the Wistful Panda, go to