Monday, January 09, 2006

Check-up Recap

Kirk had his 6 month Well Baby appointment on Friday. He weighs 18 pounds, 4 ounces and is 26 inches. Doc asked if he had any new tricks and we told her about his fairly decent sitting up. She was duly impressed upon viewing him balance before toppling over. She said that big babies have a harder time sitting because they have so much mass to balance. Of course my dad thinks Kirk is just the strongest baby ever and this was simply more proof!

Kirk did exceptionally well with his shots. He stopped crying in between each of the 3 of them. And after the last one, he calmed down right away. He even smiled at the nurse that stuck him! He was slightly less crabby during the weekend recovery as well. But he still doesn't just sleep a ton like apparently I and my siblings and my nieces all did.

Now we move from every 2 months to every 3 months. And there are no innoculations at the 9 month visit so Kirk gets a nice 6 month break before his next immunizations! That's his whole life so far!

I just need to decide if I should switch doctors. Doc is moving to the newly built clinic. The clinic we currently visit is less than a mile from our house. Her new office will be more like 10 miles away. Which really isn't that much but is hugely less convenient than the current one. But I don't really want to try a new doctor. I've been with Doc since I got knocked up. She's been Kirk's only doctor since he got out of the hospital. I guess Mr. b and I will have to weigh the pros and cons.

Doc does want us to get Kirk on a 3-meals-a-day plan by 7 months. And he'll be able to start meats then, too. His daddy is exceptionally excited by that prospect. He's a bit dismayed that his son is a vegetarian. I've just been trying to figure out if meal times will have to change to accomodate the new schedule. Of course, Kirk will still get snacks. But maybe I'll have to designate certain foods, like apple sauce, as snack items only. Yep, lots of minutiae to think about.

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