Friday, July 01, 2005

Last night at about 2am the Braxton Hicks contractions turned painful. I was doing circular yoga breathing just to deal. And even though Teacher said that changing positions usually alleviates them, sitting, standing, stretching, nothing worked. I might have gotten another hour, hour and a half of sleep. It's just not fair to have contractions when the baby still hasn't dropped so I'm also still fighting to keep him out of my ribs! And to think that earlier this week I was thinking it wasn't fair to wake up just as sore as when I went to bed, only in different places....

And these stupid practice contractions don't even have a baby at the end of them. Yeah, yeah, my uterus is getting ready to do its thing. Yeah, yeah, I'm practicing breathing. But really, this is just pointless and annoying pain. It seems to have lessened in intensity since I've been up this morning but they're still coming. There is no way I can stand 3 weeks of this crap.

I'm convinced that Child Person will be making his grand debut early. Teacher mentioned that a full moon is a very common labor trigger. So if your due date (7/24) is near a full moon (7/21), you should be prepared. But hell, at this point, I hope that fireworks are a labor trigger. C'mon 4th of July baby! Mr. b is a Presidents nerd; he'd love to have a son born on the death anniversary of three of the Founders.

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