Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Week 17

I have gained zero pounds since my last appointment. Nurse and Doctor were unconcerned but Mr. b was a bit aghast. Well, it's not like I don't eat all the time! It's just that I'm naturally a fairly healthy eater and I didn't start out severely underweight, all anorexic and on diet pills or living off beer and cigarettes or anything. I'm simply your standard tall and broad-shouldered Scandinavian-American mutt. Doc measured my slowly growing bump from belly button to top of pubes. And we got to listen to the whale probe, I mean Junior's heartbeat again. I told Mr. b he needs to sample it. I'm going to make him bring some gear to the next appointment. At the end of the visit Doc announed, "You're perfect." As she was busy writing Routine Pregnancy on my ultrasound form she added, "This is the time in your life where you want to be boring." Alrighty then. Everything is on track. In three weeks we should know if it's a little Major Carter or a wee Captain James T.

Leaving the clinic Mr. b was all about getting me some dinner. I told him my plans to just make quesadillas from the previous night's homemade Mexican leftovers. His face fell. "But we always go out to eat after a baby appointment!" So that's our new tradition.

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